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LA City Business News: Covid-19 Regulation updates 3/9/22


In anticipation of LA County moving into medium or low risk according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Community Level designation this Thursday, Public Health will issue a modified Health Officer Order which will go into effect on Friday, March 4. Under this modified order, indoor masking will be strongly recommended, but not required, for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, except in high-risk settings where federal and state regulations continue to require masking, including everyone using public transit and all those in emergency shelters, health care settings, correctional and detention facilities, homeless shelters, and long-term care facilities. At all sites where masking indoors is no longer mandatory, employers will be required to offer, for voluntary use, medical grade masks and respirators to employees working indoors in close contact with other workers and/or customers. Masking is still required for those who exit isolation or quarantine early through day 10 of their isolation or quarantine period. As a reminder, regardless of the community risk level, people can wear a mask based on their personal preference, comfort level, and informed by their personal level of risk.

Additionally, while Los Angeles County has relaxed its vaccination requirement for entering certain businesses, the City of Los Angeles adopted an ordinance that requires proof of full COVID-19 vaccination to enter the indoor portions of food establishments, gyms, entertainment and recreational locations, personal care establishments, and outdoor events within the City, as well as certain City facilities. These regulation will remain in effect until the end of the local emergency period, unless Council amends the ordinance. For more information, please visit safepassla.orgFor more information, and to see the new City health order, visit

State winds down COVID-19 related executive orders

Continuing the state’s phased rollback of executive orders implemented in response to the

pandemic, Governor Gavin Newsom took action to lift all but 5 percent of COVID-19 related

executive order provisions, while maintaining critical measures that support the state’s ongoing response and recovery efforts. The remaining provisions include maintaining  California’s nation-leading testing and vaccination programs and protecting hospital and health facility capacity, key components of the state’s SMARTER Plan to guide California’s evolving pandemic response with a focus on continued readiness, awareness and flexibility. Read more here.


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