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Paint and Wine Fundraiser for the Reseda Great Street’s Next Mural a Big Success!

The recent “Virtuosity & Vino Fundraiser” for the Northridge Visions Stampede mural at the Catalina Paint Store, hosted by the Northridge Beautification Foundation, was a resounding success.   Randall Williams, artist and owner of Randall’s Art, taught a class of twenty eager amateur artists how to create a beautiful Caribbean Beach scene.  Painting to the sounds of Jamaican Reggae, any nervousness among the erstwhile painters was dissolved by the entertaining nature of Randall’s teaching style.

Not only was everyone’s art amazing, and Randall a fun and entertaining instructor, but everyone brought home a beautiful work of art while raising money for this worthy cause.

David and John Cohn, owners of Catalina Paints, opened allowed their doors after hours for the fundraiser and donated the time and enthusiasm of their staff Henry Ruiz, Robert Barron and Jerry Rodriquez.  They were instrumental in helping volunteer and neighborhood friend Trina Capka set up the wonderful buffet of munchies, assisted by Joe Alvarado at bar.  Jerry was the evening’s chronicler, taking photos as well as video.  Leighton Halliday manned the door, took contributions to the event, and gave tax-deductible receipts to attendees.  During all the activities, there was ample wine to lubricate the evening’s artistic endeavors and create a friendly atmosphere.

Over $3,500 from has been raised so far for the costs and materials for this next mural, which is a tribute to the Reseda Great Street and it’s first inhabitants, featuring an homage to old Northridge Stampede days, which was a yearly event in the 1940s and 50s with mounted riders and other parade participants.  Funds have been donated through the Northridge Sparkle website, a GoFundMe page and through checks and cash donations.  The total need to begin the mural is $10,000, a goal almost in hand, with the addition of a sizable grant from the LA City Cultural Affairs Department.

Tax deductible donations can be made to Northridge Beautification Foundation, to the mural’s GoFundMe page at or to Northridge Sparkle, where you can pay with through a PayPal account. Tax deductible checks can be directly mailed to the Northridge Beautification Foundation at 8839 Nestle Avenue Northridge, CA 91325. A tax-deductible receipt will be sent for all donations made.


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