Spring brings a number of new milestones to our
neighborhood. First and foremost is the
creation of our very own 501.c3, the Northridge Beautification Foundation,
which has been created to help support the many necessary fund raising and
grant opportunities available to Northridge Sparkle, the 501c3’s parent
organization. It will now be much easier
to fund raise and set aside monies to better support the many activities of
Northridge Sparkle and other local groups.
The second phase in our homeless work/training project began
at the end of February. As you may recall,
the first eight-week program found 10 of the original 15 homeless volunteers
finding employment and housing by the end of the eight weeks. The second phase will involve 10 volunteers
and will be for six weeks, with the same intention of finding jobs and housing
for the participants by the end of the six-week program. Many thanks to Don Larson, Northridge
Sparkle, the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission and Council District 12 for
making this program possible.
Another exciting bit of news is that first of the “Horses of
the Valley” public art project will be installed at the corner of Rayen and
Reseda, in front of Stereo 1. The public
art installation will include new lighting and video surveillance, as well as
new landscaping and hardscape. Many thanks
to the owners of Stereo 1, Sam Abuatieh, and to the property owners, Davis
Harouni of the Hafco Group Inc. Installation
work for the project will begin later in March.
On Thursday evening, February 23rd, neighbors and
stakeholders gathered at Emle’s restaurant on Reseda to view projects, designed
by students of the CSUN Urban Studies and Planning Department, to re-imagine
Reseda Blvd. from Nordhoff to Lassen, adjacent to CSUN. The theme of the evening was, “Help Make the Matador
Mile,” and the students presented various branding and hardscape design options
to better “brand” this section of Reseda Blvd. as the university centric. More details to come on that evening in later
Community Connections.
Check upcoming editions of the Community Connection for more
information on these and other projects in your neighborhood.
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