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Showing posts from April, 2017

Soft Opening for Northridge’s Own Painted Horse

Horses Across the San Fernando Valley, a public art project developed by the Museum of the San Fernando Valley, has had the first successful placement of one of its painted horses, funded by the Northridge South Neighborhood Council, at the corner of Reseda and Rayen, in Northridge Village.HATV’s public art installations of painted fiberglass horses in various locales across the valley is intended to raise awareness of the historical, cultural & artistic heritage of the San Fernando Valley. >Like the decorative cows in Chicago, angels in LA for the city bicentennial, or pigs in Seattle, the first life-size horse painted by local artist Ingrid Elburg, member of the museum’s Public Art Initiative, has been placed in an idyllic garden corral setting in front of Stereo1, at 8901 Reseda Blvd. The soft opening on Sunday, March 19 th was celebrated with Champaign and cupcakes, lots of toasts and a special visit from some of our local fireman, shiny red firetruck and al...

What’s New in the Neighborhood?

Spring brings a number of new milestones to our neighborhood.   First and foremost is the creation of our very own 501.c3, the Northridge Beautification Foundation, which has been created to help support the many necessary fund raising and grant opportunities available to Northridge Sparkle, the 501c3’s parent organization.   It will now be much easier to fund raise and set aside monies to better support the many activities of Northridge Sparkle and other local groups. The second phase in our homeless work/training project began at the end of February.   As you may recall, the first eight-week program found 10 of the original 15 homeless volunteers finding employment and housing by the end of the eight weeks.   The second phase will involve 10 volunteers and will be for six weeks, with the same intention of finding jobs and housing for the participants by the end of the six-week program.   Many thanks to Don Larson, Northridge Sparkle, the San Fernando V...

New Mixed Use Development to be Built at the Corner of Nordhoff and Darby Avenue

Among the new projects coming to the Reseda Great Street Corridor is a one at the corner of Nordhoff and Darby Avenue, directly across from the Northridge Public Library.   The development will be adjacent to CSUN west side parking lots, theater and music buildings and the Valley Performing Arts Center. The project consists of a new 5-story mixed-use complex, comprised of approximately 156,016 square feet of floor area consisting of 146 residential apartment units with 129 market rate and 17 affordable units. The development also includes 2,000 square feet of ground floor retail with space for two small café or coffee shop footprints of approximately 1,000 square feet each, with room for outdoor dining. The project also includes 222 automobile parking spaces (213 residential and 9 commercial) provided on the ground floor and one level of subterranean parking.    There are also 169 bicycle parking spaces (161 residential and 8 commercia...