A Saturday morning last month found members of the
Northridge South Neighborhood Council, joined by neighbors and local
businesses, engaged in a cleanup and beautification of a once barren lot at the
corner of Wystone and Chase. Now know as
the Aliso Creek Pocket Park, this space is now a welcome retreat for neighbors
and pedestrians, who traverse it daily as they bring their children to Napa
Elementary or head down Chase to shop on the Reseda retail corridor.
The park, first established on Earth Day 2012, has thrived
under the watchful eyes of local neighbors John and Pam Aitchison and Robert
and Stephanie Schwinn, whose home are a stone’s through from the park. In addition, the support of the nearby California
Nurseries (www.california-nurseries.com) and the Park Parthenia Apartments
(www.parkparthenia.com) has provided materials, labor, and welcome expertise. In the case of the nursery, that support has
meant a generous donation of plants and mulching materials on more than one
occasion to keep the park refreshed with healthy new growth. Northridge South thanks our community
supporters for their time and support, without them the continued existence of
the park would not be possible.
Among the improvements planned for the near future are new
benches, as well as new signage to officially brand our reclaimed space as the
Aliso Creek Pocket Park. For more
information or to volunteer in our ongoing cleanups, please contact the
Northridge South at northridgesouth@gmail.com.
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