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Showing posts from April, 2016

Third Thursdays in Canoga Park: Summer Events

 I am including this event from our neighbors in Canoga Park, because their summer art events were one of the influences on our own Reseda Blvd activities.  Make sure to check out at least one of their summer events.  Since 2011, the Canoga Park Improvement Association and 11:11 A Creative Collective have produced the Canoga Park Art Walk which brings over 200 artists, artisans, musicians and performers into the streets of Downtown Canoga Park. The artwalk season begins June 2016 and will be held on June 16th, July 21st and August 18th.  Initiated by the Canoga Park Improvement Association, supported by the  Canoga Park Neighborhood Council and produced by 11:11 ACC, Third Thirsdays in Canoga Park is the one and only artwalk of its kind in the San Fernando Valley.  Creatives from all over the Valley and beyond join in to take over the streets of Downtown Historic Canoga Park.  Over 200 artists and vendors fill booth spaces to show off and s...

“Citrus Sunday” Event Set for May 22nd: Fresh Fruit to be Collected and Donated to Local Food Banks

Citrus Sunday is an annual, one-day citrus fruit collection drive sponsored by Councilmember Mitchell Englander, the local North Valley neighborhood councils, the Valley Interfaith Council and Food Forward.   Now in its 10 th year, the event collects thousands of pounds of ripe, fresh fruit that otherwise would go to waste and donates it to a number of local food banks.   With an over-abundance of citrus fruits in our area, Citrus Sunday is an easy and effective way to provide struggling San Fernando Valley families with healthy food that otherwise would go to waste Citrus fruit is specifically selected for the drive because of its abundance in the area, due to the agricultural history of the San Fernando Valley.   Right now, thousands of North Valley residents have ripe oranges, lemons and grapefruit right in their own back yards in quantities too large for their personal consumption.   If you are one, it’s easy to participate in this wonderful event! Just pi...

The Reseda Blvd. Great Street Receives an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Association of Environmental Professionals

Text for picture: “Pictured receiving AEP Award for the LA Great Streets Reseda Blvd are Devon Muto, President of the Association of Environmental Professionals; Don Larson, Northridge Sparkle; Semee Park, City of Los Angeles; Mel Mitchell, Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council; Andrea Alvarado, Northridge Sparkle, Linda Dunham, Northridge Sparkle; Dev Vrat, CSUN Urban Studies and Planning Department” At the Association of Environmental Professionals spring conference in San Diego, the Reseda Blvd. Great Streets project received an outstanding achievement award for its development and execution.   The award acknowledged the participation of the CSUN Department of Urban Studies and Planning, City of LA Great Streets Task Force, City of LA Council District 12, Northridge Neighborhood Council South, Northridge Vision Committee, LA Mas, Northridge Chamber of Commerce, and Museum of the San Fernando Valley in making this first of the fifteen great streets a major success. ...

Aliso Creek Pocket Park Clean Up

A Saturday morning last month found members of the Northridge South Neighborhood Council, joined by neighbors and local businesses, engaged in a cleanup and beautification of a once barren lot at the corner of Wystone and Chase.   Now know as the Aliso Creek Pocket Park, this space is now a welcome retreat for neighbors and pedestrians, who traverse it daily as they bring their children to Napa Elementary or head down Chase to shop on the Reseda retail corridor. The park, first established on Earth Day 2012, has thrived under the watchful eyes of local neighbors John and Pam Aitchison and Robert and Stephanie Schwinn, whose home are a stone’s through from the park.   In addition, the support of the nearby California Nurseries ( and the Park Parthenia Apartments ( has provided materials, labor, and welcome expertise.   In the case of the nursery, that support has meant a generous donation of plants and...

The First of the Reseda Blvd Summer Art Series Events Scheduled for May 7th

The first of a series of four summer art events, scheduled for Reseda Blvd on May 7 th and 21 st and June 4 th and 18 th , will highlight the themes of Peace, Love, Sustainability, Healthy Living, and Positive Change.   Funding for the four events has been provided by a City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs grant, awarded to CJ Berina of Collective Lifestyle. CJ has been an active participant in the Reseda Great Street process as a supportive local merchant and resident.   These four new events build on the success of three previous Reseda Great Street Events branded under the billing REvisit REseda Blvd which took place over the last year for Halloween, the December holiday season and for this Valentines Day. Among the visual artists participating in this first event are Chris Reyes, Levi Ponce, Dyanna Jimenez, Nicole Guerrera, Sergio Ramos, Saidah Gray, Karis Jackson, Michael Lampert, Donnal Poppe, Helen Luong, Lidia Casa, Mienah Yoon and Wendy Wilson....