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Showing posts from December, 2015

Spotlight on a Local Business: Aromagica Sol & Luna

This month we highlight one of our fine Reseda Blvd. businesses, Aromagica Sol & Luna.  Located at 8916 Reseda Blvd, Aromagica Sol & Luna is, as the name indicates, a magical place.  Owner Miriam Bayas, who opened her store in 2014, offers unique gifts from around the world, concentrating on exotic scents for the mind and body.  These include blending, burning, and massage oils, of all types and aromas (sensual, mystic and esoteric) as well a multitude of candles (religious and aromatic) and incense from all around the world.  As Miriam tells her customers, her shop offers the perfect gift for mind, body and spirit.  Among her offerings are products from South America as well as China, India and South Arabia.  Miriam’s shop is also the perfect place for finding that unique gift or collectible, whether a small Buddha or a beautiful candle holder or decorated box. Miriam, originally from Ambato Ecuador, had a successful career as a soci...

Holiday Bazaar: Another Success for the Reseda Great Street!

Our Holiday Bazaar last Saturday was another milestone for our Reseda Great Street.  The Gresham to Nordhoff corridor saw decorated shops and storefronts, as well as a holiday arts and crafts walk, a children's holiday craft station and sidewalk portrait art. There was even a "visit with Santa"  with our very own Andrea Alvarado as Chief Elf. Topping off the entertainment was the fine jazz offerings of DenIntosh, CSUN students Drew Dennett on the upright bass and Miles Macintosh on Guitar. Our portable stage equipment has been officially christened at the last two events and was the good folks at LA mas  who custom made a dedication plaque that we installed this last Saturday.  Congrats to all those who made these events possible! I spent most of the four hours of the event walking up and down the street with Transportation and Public Works Chair Sal Pelaez of Northridge South Neighborhood Council.  We were amazed at al...