Blvd ‘s Halloween themed event Trick or T[RE]at [RE]seda Blvd, scheduled for for
October 31st, will include participation from CSUN’s ACASOLA, noted
a cappella singing group. They will be performing a number of musical offerings
from their popular Halloween themed concert.
ACASOLA, one of the few
collegiate a cappella groups in the United States, was founded in 2006. They will be appearing on the street from
2:00 to 6:00 pm on Halloween Day, October 31st.
More than a dozen local merchants are participating in the
event, and will be giving out candy or other goodies. Sharkey's, one of the newest merchants to
open on the corner of Nordhoff and the Reseda Great Street at 18426 Nordhoff,
will be giving free kid’s meal to any child 13 and under, who is registered for
the costume contest and is in costume, between 2:00 and 6:00. Thanks to Sharkey’s for their generosity. Please thank them with your business!
Live street theater performances with a Halloween theme will
be found all along the boulevard during the event. They will include dramatic and
improvisational performances. And what
would Halloween be without a costume contest?
Prizes for you and old alike will be given out for the most creative
The highlight of the afternoon will be the decorated bike
contest, sure to be a new Reseda Great Streets tradition. Decorate your bike; your imagination is the
limit, and join the fun!
The Trick or T[RE]at [RE]seda Blvd Event is a family
friendly event, so bring the entire family.
There will be something for every age and temperament. We look forward to seeing you!
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