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Museum of the San Fernando Valley: Mid Century Modern Show

The Museum of the San Fernando Valley had a soft opening for their Mid Century Modern Show a couple of weeks ago.  The museum has been presenting shows of increasing interest and professionalism, from the Ken Twitchell Michael Jackson Mural Show to the new mid century modern exhibition, with an emphasis on the way modernism influenced the middle class experience of the San Fernando Valley in the 1950's.

Many of us grew up with Neutra, Knoll and Russell Wright influences in furniture, dishware, lighting and textiles.  Some were originals, some knock offs, but all honoring the design aesthetic of the 50's, not to mention all the unnamed blond wood and teak furniture of Scandinavian design that we ate from or lounged about on.  For many of our parents or grandparents, W & J Sloane was the arbiter of good, simple modern design.  Nothing too far out, but well made and built to last.  Much of it is still in use two or three generations later.

The mid century modern show at the Museum/SFV will remain up for some time, allowing donors and lenders alike to supplement its first offerings with some additional memories.  Don't miss it, and take some time to check out the Kent Twitchell show as well.

The Museum of the San Fernando Valley 
18860 Nordhoff St., Suite 204 
Northridge, CA 91324-3885 

The Museum Hours:

Tuesdays: 1:00pm - 6:00pm 
Thursdays: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturdays: 1:00pm - 6:00pm


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